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Modern Western Tincture Making

Modern Western Tincture Making

For consistent products and accurate record keeping this method is preferred.

The usual ratio of marc to menstruum for dried plants is 1:5 (weight to volume.) For every part (in weight) of marc there will be 5 parts (in volume) of menstruum. A simple way to work this ratio is to multiply the weight of the herb times 5 to get the amount of the menstruum.

  • Weigh the amount of required plant material.
  • Chop plant material.
  • Place in a clean, dry the jar. The maceration vessel should have a wide opening, and a tight fitting, non-corrosive lid.
  • Add your menstruum of choice. If using diluted EtOH, then combine EtOH & H20 first.
  • Measure required oz(ml) of distilled/filtered water, set aside.
  • Measure required oz/ml) 190 proof alcohol, set aside.
  • Combine marc with menstruum evenly in jars.
  • Fill the jar until all plant material is well covered, leaving none exposed to the air. Leave about 2-inches of headroom at the top of the jar. The herbs will float, so use your best judgment.
  • ​​Place a thin piece of waxed paper or plastic wrap between the top of the jar and the lid to make a better seal and to prevent the interaction between the lid and the menstruum.
  • Shake or agitate the jar every day for 10 to 14 days.
  • Leave to macerate for up to 45 days.
  • You can either leave the menstruum macerating in the dark OR in the sun. The warmth of the sun possibly aids the maceration process.
  • Do not shake the jar the day you will press it out.
  • Carefully pour the clear menstruum off the top through the filter cloth.
  • Press out the remainder and combine the two.
  • Label both macerating vessel and the finished product with name of the herb and date of
  • processing - Botanical/Formula Name , % ETOH, Weight/Volume, Amount Pressed Out, Date, Lot/Batch no.